In this blog we will discuss how to use a Bumgun, different techniques and how different cultures vary in cleaning up their do-do after doing the do...
Let's get one thing straight, a pressurised stream of water, aimed directly at the unclean hole in question, will usually do a good job of removing most of the messy bits. Regardless of your technique the bumgun will leave you cleaner and less chaffed than using toilet paper alone.

For a-lot of people in the west we understand it is a massive habitual change to start using a Bumgun, so we are here to make it as easy and clear as possible.
The catchy phrase that we like to say is Sit, Splay, Spray, Shake and Pat. But here is a more detailed step by step...
- 1. Finish using the toilet, relax & breathe, well done!
- 2. Follow these steps if you have done a number 2 and a number 1 if you have a lady garden.
- 3. Stay seated and create a waterproof seal between your rear cheeks and the back of the toilet seat, this keeps the water contained in the toilet.
- 4. Take the Bumgun in your chosen hand, splay your legs and hold the Bumgun beneath you with the sprayer pointing towards your nether regions.
- 5. Push the lever gently to find a nice pressure and practise your aim, try moving your hand in a swing like motion followed by a roundabout motion. Keep spraying until you feel clean.
- CONGRATULATIONS - You have used the Bumgun and you are actually clean!
- 6. Fully turn off the Bumgun and return it to it's holster. Dry yourself with toilet paper and see how clean your nether regions are.
- * Once you have mastered the technique and it is clean every-time, you can go fully toilet paper free with a shake dry or using a Bum towel.

Using a Bumgun might require a few tries to get the technique right, you might still want to use toilet paper or a Bumtowel, to dry off or check the area is clean after using the bumgun. A lot of cultures will spray to reduce most of the mess and will use a specific hand to ensure the surface is clean. This might make you feel strange to think about, however we do wash our private parts in the shower using our hands.
Therefore if you don’t want to get your hand dirty, and you have given your rear end a good old hose down then drying with the bum towels is fine, and if a bit of faecal matter does end up on a bum towel, think of it as a skid mark, a sign to refine your technique, and wash it as you would a dirty pair of pants!